Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Buliding Media Streaming Service (1)


1. To use regacy DLLs for new web services, you have to use Microsoft WebSerivces. Belows are sample links for using DLL for webservices.



2. To provide video streaming service via Web, normally a server is deployed by Windows Media Server because of simplicity of deployment and setting. A sample is as below.


3. Building web interface and web player

  - if users use a HTML5 supported browser, it’s simple. Just use <video> tag with mpeg4 or webM. However, most of web browsers what user used are IE6 and IE7. So a flash video solution is only option to provide direct web streaming services. Most of them are commercial solutions, but Jaris FLV Player is a opensource and its licence is GPL.

 http://sourceforge.net/projects/jaris/ or http://jarisflvplayer.org/

  - Simple way to implementation using PHP and Flex


 http://onlamp.com/pub/a/php/2007/05/24/creating-mytube-with-flex-and-php.html : It’s same, but original link (English)

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